The Pagan Student Association at Ohio State
Visit the PSA webpage!
The Pagan Student Association at The Ohio State University has been around
for about 6 years by now, and will be going strong for a while, I think.
I've passed the reigns of Co-Chair to another, for the last time. I've held the
office twice, and now I'm done with that office. I'm actually one of the last
"original" members (and I'm not really original). I intend to stay
with the group as long as I can, but things happen. I am currently serving as
Below are some items written about the PSA and for the PSA. Keep in mind that The
Lantern (Ohio State's newspaper) has misquoted us pretty bad in the past,
though the bit about sheep is, unfortunately, a direct quote (*sheepish grin*).
The Observer is much worse, as you can plainly see.
Documents and essays:
PSA's Constitutions
(2004 version) -
Updated to include a section detailing forcible removal of an officer by the
(2003 version) - Updated to
reflect addition of general fund, non-profit statement
(2002 version) - Complete
re-write, added in non-discrimination, detailed job descriptions, voting
procedures, expanded advisor criteria and special interest group definitions,
method of updating constitution.
(1999 version)
PSA and Ritual - Why the OSU PSA doesn't do
PSA Meeting Topics - a long list of
potential topics for PSA meetings.
PSA Presenter Letter - Sent/given
to all PSA presenters when they offer to present.
Starting a Pagan Student Association -
How to make your own!
The PSA ListServ Guide:
Subscription and Guidelines.
The PagansOSU Yahoo! List:
Subscription and Guidelines.
PSA's Historical Notes:
Historical Note 01 - PSA in Nov. 2002
Historical Note 02 - First PSA meeting of 2004
Historical Note 03 - Email "on scheduling meetings," Wi06
PSA's Lantern Articles:
PSA's first Lantern Article
PSA's second Lantern Article
PSA's third Lantern Article
PSA's fourth Lantern Article
PSA's fifth Lantern Article
PSA's Observer Article
PSA's article on the Student Housing website
To subscribe to the main PSA email list, mail to listproc@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
and type:
subscribe PSA Your Name
into the body of the message.

Click to subscribe to pagansosu, the discussion list

Content © 2003-2010, Michael J Dangler
Updated on 07/25/2010. Site Credits / Email Me!
Basic site design from ADF.org
(Yes, I stole it!)