Chronarchy.Com Links:
Work Links
OSU Faculty, Staff, Student
Personal Links (days I visit)
My LiveJournal (Or
read on my site)
My CafePress store (daily)
Get Fuzzy (daily)
Dilbert (daily)
Foxtrot (daily)
User Friendly (daily)
Wren's Net (daily)
Daily Victim (daily)
Oh My Gods! (daily)
Errant Story (M, W, F)
Penny Arcade (M, W, F)
RPG World (M, W, F)
PostSecret (weekly)
Wolf Pack Warrior (weekly)
Stuff that's just cool:
My interactive family tree (requires Java, doesn't often work on newer browsers)
The Schøyen
Collection: A collection of texts and pictures online. Very in depth and
Dark Horizons: Film news
& rumors
Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville: The
Prophet's 'Net home
The Church of Buffett, Orthodox: CoBO has
loads of cool stuff that all Parrotheads should have access to.
Bruce Campbell Online: Star of Army
of Darkness and Evil Dead, as well as some other awesome movies. This guy's trying to convert
everyone, and he does so with some pretty neat tracts that are fun to wipe out
the text from and put new stuff in. Dark
Dungeons is my favourite.
ChrisPortal.Com: If you're looking for
some good doodles or to
waste some time with some Dr.
Faustus cartoons, this is the place to go.
GroupHug: amusing and sometimes dark anonymous
ADF links:

ADF National Organization
Three Cranes Grove, ADF
(Columbus, OH)
The 6th Night Grove, ADF
(Dayton, OH)
StoneCreed Grove, ADF
(Cleveland, OH)
Discordian Links: Ever
wanted to read the Principia but never wanted to shell out $7? Now, even cheap
bastards like you can read it!
KBuxton's page, the essential
page for Discordianism.
another essential from Episkopos Aloysius Thudthwacker. Run by Yohan the Lost, a project to
save many Discordian writings/works/etc.
ErisWerks: A group working on a new
Principia, and a propagandist's dream! They started me on Propaganda.
Karl Musser's pages: Home to the
Cartographer's Conspiracy Cabal and others.
HouseBub: a House of Eris
A Discordian
Colouring Book
CMU Discordian Society
propaganda: Carnegie Mellon apparently has an active Discordian Society.
Good ideas here.
The Ring of Fnords: a bunch of sites,
all in one!
Discordian Tarot:
I prefer my set, found here (.doc format)
Hyperflow: An evolving
The Eris Society: Not sure if they're
Discordian or not, but they sure look it!
Discordianism page: in case you feel academic
The Hidden Threat: possibly written by a Discordian An awesome postcard
exchange site. (Not really Discordian, but damn close!)
Church of Subgenius: also not really
Discordian, but a spin-off.
Local Pagan groups:
The Pagan
Student Association at Ohio State
Pagan Community Council of Ohio
Community Pagan Alliance
Alliance of Student Pagans- ASP Columbus
The Association for Consciousness
(This group puts on the Starwood Festival)
The Church of Other (Discordian Cabal)
Location: Columbus Area, Ohio
Founder: Mostly Holy Grasworth, KTITFSOM
(If anyone has info on these guys, i.e. where to contact them, let me know!)
Local Pagan Stores and Resources:
Fly By Night
(Psyche North Torok, proprietor)
Pearls of Wisdom
(Diana Hock, proprietor)
Salem West
(A.J. Drew, proprietor)
Pagan Meetup Columbus
Discordian Meetup
Non-Local/National Pagan Resources:
Chaos Matix - A fascinating source
of Chaos Magic articles and other fun things. One of the best and most highly
recommended libraries on the web.
The Witches' Voice - For those looking
for groups to join, solitaries to connect with, or events to attend, this is
your source.
Isaac Bonewits homepage - Isaac, the
founder of ADF, maintains his own webpage.
Covenant of the Goddess
(COG) - A large Wiccan organization that umbrellas many Covens.

Content © 2003-2005, Michael J Dangler
Updated on 05/17/2005. Site Credits / Email Me!
Basic site design from
(Yes, I stole it!)