Those who (perhaps unknowingly)
aided in the design/creation of this site:
Ár nDraíocht Féin
or ADF: A Druid Fellowship. Thanks for the site design!
Da Bonnasses Page (careful, NSFW, perhaps) for the pic page design.
And thanks to all the people who complained for getting it fixed.
Brian, for scanning some pics of Esus for me.Anna Messinger created the banner at the top of the page, located at http://www.chronarchy.com/images/chronarchy.jpg
6th Night Grove, ADF
for teaching me how to run a Grove of my own, and for teaching me the basics of
being a Druid. Without them, nothing would have been possible.

Content © 2003-2005, Michael J Dangler
Updated on 12/19/2005. Site Credits / Email Me!
Basic site design from ADF.org
(Yes, I stole it!)