
Dedicant's Work

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Check it out - I'm now the deputy Preceptor for ADF. I want a silver star and the right to shoot people who cross my posse.

Unfortunately, the post doesn't appear to come with any of the perks of a deputy in the Old West. I don't get all the liquor and hookers for free. That's just too bad.

Instead, I get to read other people's Dedicant Programs. Not totally sure I'm equal to the task, but we'll find out, eh?

I have something neat in the works. We'll have to see if I can finish it.

I've been feeling remarkably honest recently. Completely out of character, I assure you. This particular project includes quite a bit of that honesty. It was inspired by Eris, so we'll have to see what happens. It includes a wonderful cast of characters.

I've been looking at the Clergy Council in ADF for a while. I'm not going to apply now (methinks it would be a bad move, and could be seen as political, even if it isn't), but I plan to before Wellspring. By the way, the Three Cranes Site is starting to update the calendar for next year with festivals! See when your favourite festival is and schedule some time off! You deserve it!

(Note: I admit it isn't complete. If your festival isn't there, let me know so I can update it, but only if the dates are set and there's a website I can link to! I did have to make a guess or three about next year's dates for some festivals, but I think it'll work out.)

I'm working on my Chaos Magic workshop for PSA, too. I have a couple of weeks.

But most important is my Letter of Intent to get into Grad School. I need that finished! The deadline is coming up!

Oh, and more pictures will be forthcoming of my Altar in the near future. I have a feeling that most things will wait until after Yule, though.

Well, This Deputy Preceptor stuff is starting to get me into trouble in terms of politics, it seems. Now I really want to have that six shooter.


Well, not a single person commented on my divination stuff. That would almost be shocking, but I was closer to expecting it. :)

Anyway, I've done some serious updating. Lots of essays and musings, some straight from my LJ and others that you certainly haven't seen before. I finished some parts of Liturgy 1, though I've learned my lesson and won't be asking anyone to read them. :)

I think I'll be doing a lot of nothing over Thanksgiving. I don't much care to actually make or keep plans. I was thinking about hiking for a while, but that's looking bust, too.

Oh, on a cool side note, Diablo 2 has a new patch out! Might have to try that out over Thanksgiving. It looks very nice.

Brian, at least, will be coming by to watch The Game this weekend. I have a good feeling, but it seems I'm the only person who does. I'm going to see if others will come, as well. Assuming I get permission.


This time, it hasn't been quite a month :)

I've been working hard. My car has finally crapped out, unfortunately entirely. It's really no good anymore.

But, in other news, I've finished the Divination 1 course in the ADF Study Program! Now, keep in mind, it hasn't passed yet (and I'm trying to find out who I submit it to), but I think it stands a good chance. Check it out!

I've also been working on some other courses in the SP, but I've found that I'm very, very disappointed with the questions for Magic 1. In short, they suck. They assume that the role of the magician in Celtic culture is integrated in society, and I don't believe that any culture integrates magicians into their society. Because of this, I'm stuck with questions that are worded in very, very odd ways which make no sense.

I'm seeing a heavy bias towards romantic ideals on who the Celts were. Next they'll be telling me that the Celts had men and women on an equal footing!

Read through my Divination stuff and tell me what you think, because I really want to know how it looks! Email me or update my LJ.


Wow, it's been a long time since I updated. Over a month.

I spent last weekend at Harvard, attending the Harvard Celtic Colloquium. I had a blast, and learned lots of cool stuff. I also got to meet Ceisiwr Serith, who's written a couple of books, and I got my copy of A Book of Pagan Prayer signed!

I even gave my webpage with my Esus stuff out to a real academic person! Who knows, it might actually be useful! So you'll see a few updates on those pages (new sources added)

So I'm working on getting something posted about that weekend. I'm on about page 5 and I haven't even started on the conference yet!

I'm hoping the girl I gave the poem to on the train drops me a line.


Well, we're snailing the update tonight. I'll be posting this update tomorrow (today when you read this) because I'm writing it while sitting on my back porch relaxing in the breeze.

I have several new updates. You'll find some (amusing) old journal entries. It's a work in progress, but there will eventually be three volumes of old journals on my website. Look real hard and see if you're there!

I'm thinking about an overhaul of the site soon. It might be as simple as a colour scheme change, or it may be as drastic as a navigation change. I'm also considering PHP instead of HTML, but that would involve learning PHP.

I've gotten several new questions posted to my Five Question Madness section. Check it out and ask me some friggin' questions!

There are lots of new musings available for your perusal, too. Make sure you check those out.

I got a free pizza today from a local pizza joint. I really like it. Going to have to order from them again. (B&B on Karl Rd., if you're interested.)

I ordered some business cards recently. What's a Senior Druid without a business card?

I uploaded this a while ago, but by popular demand: The article where Starhawk looks down her nose at Pagans!

I have new altar pics to upload soon, so expect those. There's been so much going on, I know I'm missing things that I updated. There's new stuff hidden in several places on these pages. Browse around and see if you find them. And if there's something that needs update, tell me!


Three Cranes Grove, ADF, has been approved for a Provisional Charter!

This is no small feat. Many Protogroves never make it to "real" Grove status. Three Cranes actually did! I'd like to think it was my leadership and dashing good looks that won the day, but I have to be honest and say it was my Grove and the people who work it.

Enough about that. I'm working on a post-mortem on the Buffett Ritual done at Summerland, which was a hit. I'm also looking to improve on it.

I'm working on a workshop for Elysium on the Rune Poems. You (yes, you) should go to Elysium.


Well, I've seriously started work on the Study Program. I'm working on the Liturgy section at the moment.

So, I'm working on the By-Laws for Three Cranes. Our provisional charter request arrived at ADF national in good order, and I presume that our request has been brought up by Todd to the Grove Organizing Committee. I expect an answer in about 2 weeks, I think.

Then we'll be a real Grove!

There's been some fur flying on several ADF lists recently. There's this new Kin system that was just passed which allows people to follow their own personal spirituality even more than before; there's something out online rituals going down; there's this bit about traditional witchcraft; and there's some fun, snippy remarks occurring, too.

Oh, I looked through the requirements for Dedicant Clergy, too. I gotta talk to Rob about that, and I really have to get moving on the SP to make it at least appear that I'm serious (which I am!).

So, back to the grind. :)

UPDATE 8/8/03:

Ladies and gentlemen! I have important news!

You may notice from the movie poster at right that my own personal Goddess (you know, the loony one) has Her own movie. Yes, Her very own movie.

Well, the Babe Whose Name Is Chaos needs our help. (How did I miss this before!?)

The movie has been placed in a position to be scrapped. This cannot happen.

Info can be found here:

23ae's article
SFX article
Mirimax's official site (mirrored, since it's no longer up)
a bit of marketing
download of the trailer
The online petition to get it back

(Now we return you to your regularly scheduled programming):

Well, I got my hot tub working, and it's in a position not to be really overly-chlorinated or to break down.  So, I'm pretty well set.

Three Cranes will be a Grove soon. It's nice to watch it grow. Makes me feel kinda like a proud father.

I have an 8' x 7' area to make into an outdoor altar. Here's what I want to do:

I'd like to put trellises over the area, and plant roses around it, or maybe ivy. I'm not sure which yet.

There'll be a 4' long, 3' wide altar inside, at one end. The altar will have a place for pouring libations, a place to put a fire, and a working space. There will also be a relief of Esus above the altar. It will be finished in marble, at least on the top.

To the left of the altar, there will be a well. To the right, there will be a post that will act as a bile.

There will be small shrines to the Three Kindred around the area.

Yeah, it sounds like a really, really tight fit, doesn't it? I don't know.  I'm hoping to make it large enough and good enough that I can hold my own personal daily rituals there.

I'm also planning a mosaic of Eris to the South of the house. But I don't know how to make a mosaic. :)

Oh, and I realized that I didn't link to the Buffett Ritual last time I posted. The Jimmy Buffett Ritual is here!


Lookin' back at my background, tryin' to figure out how I ever got here. :)

Three Cranes is working on elections. We're on our way to "real" Grove status, if everything goes right. Seeing as I'm the only person running for Senior Druid (we may have to find a new word for that, simply because I'm one of the younger people there, anyway), I'll probably end up being elected, which is fine with me.

So, right: everything's working out. House is in good shape. I need to figure out how to work the hot tub still. That thing may be more trouble than it's worth.

Also, I've decided that I'm going to sell sets of Runes to those who want them. I'm going to start working on them after Summerland. Which reminds me: if you haven't signed up for Summerland, you need to do that. I'm running one workshop and one ritual. The Buffett ritual will be preformed.

I went to see Seabiscuit on Friday. Ya know, it was pretty good. I had to take issue with the movie, though: there were no female characters. All the women were either used for sex or rendered useless when they refused to give into a predetermined role, such as child-bearing.

No, I won't accept that the young wife the guy takes was a character. She's more shallow than a sheet of paper when it comes to characterization.

The narration of the movie centers around men. Men losing jobs. Men listening to the radio and watching the race. Men getting their spirits back. Men overcoming adversity. Women aren't able to do anything in this story.

But I still enjoyed the movie. Damn nagging feminist thought screwing with my mind. No more English classes at OSU for me. Feminist thought can ruin a good movie.

Oh, yeah. I'm working on the ADF Study Program. See the link?


Yep, there are pictures of me hiking and of the trail. I got my pix back, though, and noticed that I had mainly taken pictures of mountains, and they didn't come out too well. But some of the pix came out very well. Of course, several of the pix include Scouts, so I'm not putting them up.

Anyway, I'm having fun, enjoying my new house. I really, really love it. It's great to just relax and have fun. I wish we could get everything unpacked, though!  Arg! :)

If you're a Parrothead, check out the Church of Buffett, Orthodox for some amusing tidbits. If you're not a Parrothead, then shame on you :)

I'm thinking it's time to look at vacations again. Go somewhere that the weather suits my clothes. The Ohio summers are never great. Too hot and humid for me.

Ah, well: on to working on my projects for now: Columbus Pagan Pride Day, getting the Lughnassadh ritual written, and getting the finishing touches done for my workshop and ritual at Summerland.


"I took off for a weekend last month just to try and recall the whole year. . ."

So I went hiking last weekend. I got sunburned. I got wet. My feet hurt and stunk like I was hiding weapons of mass destruction in them. My backpack was way too heavy.

But damn, I feel good! I woke up in a cloud on Saturday morning. I slept out under the trees and stars. I have some pretty good pics that I'll let you guys see once I get them back and scanned. The AT is real freedom. Much as the Black Pearl is in Pirates. Go see that, btw, if you get the chance. Oh, and Eris wants YOU to watch Sinbad, where She is, of course, the star!

So, now I'm back. I can't believe it's been about 3 weeks since I last updated this site.

I have moved into my house. I had no idea my girlfriend had so many shoes! As I said to her when she asked why I didn't realize this: "But you never wear them all at once!"

Brian and I are looking at how to improve the house. It's going to take some serious work.  As soon as we get it cleaned up, I'll get some pictures for you.

I set up a livejournal site recently, but I don't use it much. You'll get more out of just hanging out here, rather than looking at that thing. :) Mainly, I use it to read the "private" entries some PSA people put up.  They're better than the public ones, and more revealing, too. *grins*


So, anyway, it's one of those days. A day that you don't want to do anything, but you have to anyway because your boss is suspicious of the lack of work that's been done, and you have to be out of your old house in 4 days. Ugh.

I did a Google search for "Eris" today. Turned up some interesting things. Oh, see my links section for some things.

One of the things I turned up was "Five Question Madness". Sounds like a fun game, so I invite all to try it.

Back to work.  Have fun.

Oh, and check out my propaganda folder, too.


Wastin' away in Margaritaville, again. . . 

Anyway, sitting here at work. I've done a lot of work on the pages in the past few days. See below for info.

Trip to Canada was cancelled, due to some health problems of two of the Scout leaders parents. Not enough adults, the kids can't go either. *sob*

Anyway, I've been working on some things that aren't Druid-related recently, as I sit here and try to work through bits and pieces of the Study Program that I've scrounged up. There isn't a lot of it to work through, though: thus the lack of updates on my webpage for that.

See my new pictures of my Legion of Doom in my office! Told you I'd get them put up!


Today is Ohio State's Spring graduation. Made traffic hell getting to work.

Anyway, I've done some neat updates (see below). Three Cranes is having a Summer Solstice ritual this weekend, I'm going to Canada next weekend (Wednesday-Sunday), and I close on my house on June 23.

Yeah, I'll let you know how it goes.  Ugh.

Boy Scouts have kicked out another gay kid. He was an 18 year old guy who decided he wanted a lot of attention, so he came out at a press conference of all things. I don't agree with the national policy. It's kinda creepy. But the BSA has given me too much for me to turn my back on them.


23's are everywhere. Surprisingly, I can give an example.

Today I saw my first real fnord. It was hanging out on a webpage, and I only just glimpsed him. At least I think it was a him. I need to let the owners of the page know that they may have an infestation. Where there is one fnord, there may be many! They're like cockroaches.

Anyway, today is, according to my computer, Friday, June 6, 2003. Now, if we take all the numbers and add them together:


Yes, I had to manipulate things a bit to get that number, but it did work. See below:

Friday = 6th day of the week on American calendars
June = 6th month in the same calendars


Well, I got back from the ADF National Meeting (the Wellspring Festival), where I received my Dedicant certificate. I've been charged with writing an article entitled "Three Bowls and a Stick" about my altar for the new Dedicant material. I'll post it here when I get it ready for submission.

Wellspring was a hell of a lot of fun. Sitting in a hot tub, relaxing, and making oaths and boasts.

At the Sumbel on Saturday night, I made one oath and two boasts.

My first Oath went vaguely like this:

Eyes to me!
Ears to me!
Lord Esus, hear my words!
I have ignored you! I have shut my ears!
I have taken baby steps to pretend that I followed your calling!
Tonight, I give an Oath!
I will take the steps you demand.
I will walk the road you placed before me.
I will begin on the Study Program, and I will (as soon as it is completed) finish it in order to better serve myself, my Grove, and my community!
Hail to you!

My first boast went like this:

I have a boast!  My boast is also a challenge!
I boast that my Protogrove has grown mightily!
We have, in one month, grown 700%!
[from the peanut gallery: "Yeah, from 0!"]
Not true! First there were two! Then there was one!
In one month, we have increased our number to 7!
I challenge any Grove within ADF to match our 700%!

My second boast was as follows:

I have another boast!
I boast that the Heartland Region of ADF has the best damn Regional Druid in the organization!
Duir, we thank you!


I was thinking today. Yes, it kinda hurt. Anyway, I sent this to my professor after reading part of Holy Terrors: Thinking about Religion after September 11. I wanted to know if Discordianism is a religion:

Bruce Lincoln requires the following for a religion (p. 5-7):

A discourse whose concerns transcend the human, temporal, and contingent and that claims for itself a similarly transcendent status.

But everyone disagrees on this point. Some will point to the Principia Discordia as the "bible" of Discordianism. But there are Discordians who have never read the Principia. They've only read the Illuminatus! trilogy. Then there are the Discordians who claim that the Illuminatus! trilogy should not be a source for any Discordian. Then there are those who take the Fifth Commandment to heart and don't believe a word of this shit.

"Insofar as certain propositions or narratives successfully claim such status, they position themselves as truths to be interpreted, but never ignored or rejected." But Discordians are free to reject anything that is claimed to be "Truth" with the capital "T", or even things claimed to be "False" with a capital "F".

A set of practices whose goal is to produce a proper world and/or proper human subjects, as defined by a religious discourse to which these practices are connected.

There are no practices that are seen in all Discordians, nor is there anything that all Discordians do. Discordian rituals are (understandably) individual and change from person to person.

A community whose members construct their identity with reference to a religious discourse and its attendant practices.

This exists. Interestingly, several members of the Discordian movement use the Principia or the Illuminatus! trilogy to define what they are not. But the community accepts them all, and they all disassociate with each other. I'd say that this is (probably) the only one of these four sections that can be concretely proven to exist.

An institution that regulates discourse, practices, and community, reproducing them over time and modifying them as necessary, while asserting their eternal validity and transcendent value.

Here: There is no institution. It's impossible. Absolutely, completely impossible for an institution of Discordians to exist.

So, if "all four domains--discourse, practice, community, and institution--are necessary parts of anything that can properly be called 'religion'", is Discordianism simply not a religion in Lincoln's eyes?

This definition can also be applied to all manner of other things: the Republican party for instance. Let's say that Bush's speeches are the discourse, which reveal truths above and beyond this plane, or that promote certain economic truths, etc. The idea is, of course, to make the world best for the USA. There is a definite community that follows these things, and an institution (the White House) that regulates these things. Can a definition that can apply to other things also apply to religion?

Furthermore, no definition of religion has been able to encompass all the religions I know about. They always fall a bit short, and while Discordianism is a glaring example, Neo-Paganism and even larger religions like Hinduism are sometimes not included in the definitions at all. That is starting to bother me. I'm hoping to find one that seems to fit them all. But we'll see.


Well, I have joined the ranks of the forever-in-debt:

I own a house.

It's nice, there's a hottub, a room for a library, and a very nice porch. I'll be sure to post some pics as soon as I get some of the place. We move in on the 24th of June.

My army is multiplying. I'll certainly have some pics of the army here soon, so everyone can see them.

I picked up Jimmy's most recent CD. It's got a lot of old stuff (like most of his CDs), but it has inspired me to write a complete Jimmy Buffett liturgy using the ADF Standard Liturgy.

I can't wait to try it out!

Update: 05/14/03: I have a very rough plan and pics up of the house! Use the "back" button on your browser to get back here once you've used the previous link.


Last week's Beltaine ritual went off with some minor hitches, but everything seems to have gone well. No one walked away unsatisfied, I think, so I'm doing alright still.

I think the biggest problem that we had was that someone from the UUCE decided that they don't like Pagans, and didn't want to rent the land, nor did they want the altar built that the board had given its approval to. It eventually got straightened out, though, so everything was cool

Well, I've been to 3 movies in 3 days. I saw X-Men 2 twice, and I saw About Schmidt last night. I feel rather run down and tired now.

Also, it should be known that Monika owes me a doughnut! We made a small wager on whether a question on our quiz was multiple choice or fill in the blank. It reads:

37)   Name a distictive feature of OSU's copy of Kramer
and Sprenger's book: __________________________________
See, I was right! It was fill in the blank!

But more than I'm interested in the doughnut, I'm wondering why we remembered it so differently?

Well, tonight I have to study for my next quiz. It's tomorrow.

Time to get ready for class!


Well, I just finished the ritual for Beltaine this year for Three Cranes. It's a hoot. I tried to be erotic with it, but I have a feeling I failed miserably. I'm going to try out a maypole tonight with PSA and see what happens.

I'm writing a paper on Discordianism and the Hermenutes of Suspicion: Marx and Freud. Should be fun. We'll see.

But, that's all for now.  Catch you kids later!


So, a new week is upon me. I guess it's probably upon you, too, eh? Well, I spent last weekend doing some odd things. I spent two hours on Saturday building an altar and chopping wood in preparation for Three Cranes' ritual this Sunday. Now I'm sore and I have blisters. No biggie.

I also had a planning meeting for the upcoming Beltaine ritual. Most likely, we'll be hanging out and having fun. Worshiping in our own way.

Well, I have a quiz, so short on the update. Perhaps more when I get back?


This weekend is going to be me heading out to the UUCE to check out what the land looks like for Three Cranes' ritual on May 4.

We'll be dealing with a ritual outline for this ritual, rather than reading. It'll be an interesting change. I'm hoping that Eris will keep her hands to herself.

Anyway, I'm hoping that next weekend will be a nice, pretty weekend with lots of sun (and pretty girls). I have so much going on, it isn't funny. There's this ritual, my roomie is moving out, there's the Renaissance Faire, there's the open house at Fly By Night, and the Kentucky Derby. I'm gonna be busy.

Brian and I have convinced Tom that letting us build a water wheel in his back (or front) yard is a good idea. Now we get to try it out!

Real quick, here's a good story:

A man breaks up with his girlfriend one night. When he wakes up the next morning, he realizes that he can't see or feel his penis. All that's left is smooth skin.

Well, wanting to drink his sorrows away, I guess, he goes to the tavern. There he meets a woman who he tells his problem to (I presume he had a few drinks before this). She tells him that his penis has been stolen by a witch, and asks if he has any suspects. Well, he thinks about it, and decides that it must have been his ex.

He goes out to find her and comes across her on the road. He attacks her with a towel (seriously) and strangles her, accusing her the whole time of steeling his penis. Finally she admits to it, and he lets her go. She touches him between the legs and his penis is restored.
Do you believe that? It's from the Maleus Maleficarum, the "Hammer of Witches".

That's all for this edition. More later!



TannerSo I spent last weekend with my parents in Chicago. The weekend also happened to be Easter, which isn't something I celebrate, personally, but it's a nice holiday.

Anyway, I got to see my second cousin, Tanner (right), hang out with my first cousin (his mother) and her husband (my cousin-in-law?). In all, I had a lot of fun there.

The flight to Chicago was a normal flight, and I normally hate flying. It's not that I'm scared, or that I get airsick, but it's just not an enjoyable experience, and it always tires me out physically. On top of the normalness of the flight, my reading light was out, so I was forced to do nothing the whole ride (about an hour and ten minutes).

Behind me sat two girls from (I think) different sororities who had attended the same high school. I had never heard so many "likes", "dudes", and "Shut Ups!" in my life! There was a guy sitting across the isle from me, and he'd occasionally look over to me, smile, and shake his head in reference to the chics.

The Flight back wasn't any better, and was, in fact, worse. The flight was extremely turbulent and I never got the Sprite I ordered from the flight attendant. On top of that, I was in a different seat on a different plane, but the reading light didn't work here, either! I just couldn't win.

I'm just glad I got the peanuts. That is the best part of flying.

Today is also Earth Day. While it may seem pretty far down my list, at least I think about it. In fact, I think I'll celebrate by recycling all the papers that are lying around my office!

Until next time!


I went out last night and picked up some knights to add to my army in my office. I think I'll have to take a picture of my office sometime, because I really have a lot of stuff up.

I rotted my brain last night watching "The Bachelor". Talk about mind-rot. I thought my brain was going to leak out my ear after that.

Anyway, I went for a walk last night. I hadn't been out for a very long time, and it was kind of an odd feeling. I felt almost like I did as a kid when I went out to the forest for hours, climbing trees and building forts. And I wasn't doing either one!

I found some new info on Esus, so expect an update there soon!


So I'm sitting here at work, getting ready for another day. I found some bananas that I'd forgotten about last week, and they're a godsend. They are as ambrosia as I eat them to satiate my hunger.

It's tax day, too. I wish I was getting that refund today, rather than a month ago. Ah, well. At least I'm not a poor sucker who'll be at the Post Office tonight at midnight.

I got to thinking yesterday, and I came up with the following statement:

It says something about our culture that we have a word for the hatred of women (misogyny), but not one for the hatred of men. The hatred of men is a non-issue to most of the world, and is even seen as elevating in our post-feminist reflection. We seem consumed by the oppression of specific classes of people, but ignore the oppression of all people. The freedom of one is emphatically not the freedom of all.

The dictionary gives us a multitude of words for different hatreds, but never one for the hatred of men. One can be a misogynist, a misanthrope, or homophobic, yet there is no specific word for hating men.

We can look at this lack of diction in a couple of ways: either there is no hatred of men in the world, or no one cares about it. I'm more inclined to believe the latter.

I'm not saying that misogyny should be ignored, but I do think that it shouldn't be the all-consuming passion that it is. 

Let's stop saying that men oppress women, and start saying that people oppress people. Let's stop saying that bombs kill children, and say that bombs take human life. Religion doesn't keep the men in charge; it is a tool to oppress people with.

Stop believing that only one type of person is affected by oppression! Oppression is indiscriminate, as are bombs and a lack of medical supplies. It is not okay for anyone to go without medical supplies or food.

I dislike activists because they ignore groups of people in both rhetoric and reality. They decry the delineation between people and "others", yet see groups who oppress as their own "others". No activist I have ever read has talked about the impact of war on men, or the number of men killed in the witch hunts of the middle ages.

Sorry for the dialogue. I may expand and put this in "essays" soon. Esp. if I get feedback.


Here I am, just hanging out and relaxing. The office has been pretty busy for the past week, but I don't expect that to continue. The Crazies are still out. I'm still waiting on my Dedicant Program to be approved or shot down. I'm not sure which will happen.

This weekend I'm going to Cleveland with my girlfriend for a pre-Easter weekend. Spending time with the significant other's family is usually fun, actually, despite what Hollywood tries to tell us.

So long as everyone stays mostly sober, that is.


I suppose it might be nice if I start updating the front page somewhat regularly. If I do that, people may actually be interested in what I have to say, though I wouldn't bet money on it.

Work has been, as usual, just a barrel of monkeys. Sometimes I actually think that that's where they get our customers. I envision one of those street vendors with the little dancing monkey on a chain and a music box creeping up to our door, and tipping over a barrel of the little snotty critters. Then they come in and freak out the employees here (read: me, my co-workers, and the student help) just for the fun of it.

I did go to Dayton this weekend to see my brother. He was playing in the Purdue band, and Purdue kicked some green Irish ass, smacking the Notre Dame women's basketball team into next Thursday. It was really a sad day for the Irish.

Loads of fun.  More later.


Who am I? What am I not might be a better question. I'm an upstanding kid, fresh out of college who holds a white-collar job who has schemes and dreams and ploys. I'm a student who's been in college for 6 years with no end in sight.

Animals don't like me much, yet I have two cats who love me dearly. I'm active in the local church community with the youth. I'm a Neo-Pagan who has started an ADF protogrove, called Three Cranes Protogrove, ADF. I'm a Republican who votes his conscience. I spent four years as a varsity athlete training the body only to end up with a more strongly trained spirit.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by to see me.

Newest stuff:

My Dedicant's material is now online! Check it out at


Content © 2003-2005, Michael J Dangler
Updated on 12/19/2005. Site Credits / Email Me!
Basic site design from
(Yes, I stole it!)