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Initiatory Omens

Four ADF Priests pulled omens for me as a new Initiate, and I drew one for myself and Kirk before the rite. These omens are as follows:

Before the rite, I drew Manaz, the self and inner work. A good omen for this rite, especially as we undergo it alone, as all Initiates do.

Fran drew: Isa, Odila, Naudiz, Suwilo, Raido, Wunjo

"You have started upon a journey, but you will hit a snag. It will be about your needs and of others. The outcome will be joy. This is another "test", it may be between you and your family/grove, but it is close to you. How you deal with this will determine the future pathway. A test of the path you have taken. In the end the journey will bring you joy, the sun will shine on your journey and bring you joy and happiness."

Caryn drew: Birch & Ivy, Hawthorne, Aspen

"New beginnings, blazing new trails. Search for inner wisdom, don't get tangled. Counseling, protaction; note, can be a warning. Communication. Today, you set out on this new path. Be careful to watch the road and the path. There will be protection along the way and learning new ways to communicate. What you are learning will be what you are reaching for."

Raven drew: Jera, Raido, Uruz, Manaz, Sowilo, Ehwaz, Dagaz, Ehwaz, Hagalaz

"Rebirth, new day, challenges. You will have the strength to see the challenges through, and need not face them alone. In the end, you will be stronger."

Jenni drew the Woodpecker.

The woodpecker watched over Romulus and Remus. The red on him associates him with Mars, and so there is a notion of safety within the boundaries of the land, within the sacred precinct.

Prior to the rite, we got Chinese takeout for dinner. Kirk's fortune cookie was very apt, but mine read, simply:

"TEAMS - Together Everyone Acheives More Success." My lucky numbers were 41, 4, 54, 13, 28, 46.

These omens are generally positive, but indicate further tests and further work to be done. Initiation is not, particularly for me, the end of the road, but rather the beginning of the road.

With these omens secure, let us now look at the whole picture.


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