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Special Occasion Rituals, Requirement 7

Write a protection ritual different from other rituals written for this course.

Protection Rite to Athena

This rite is designed to protect an athelete going out to play in a big game, and assumes that the athlete has played in many games before, and that his or her patronis Athena, who the ritual is to. It is a solitary rite.

Initiating the Rite

I go forth today onto the field, seeking to win and to help my teammates. I go forth not with brute and careless strength, but with forethought and strategy to temper my work, and to aid and protect me this day. I do honour to Athena, wise warrior, who brings winged Nike to those who are both strong and smart.

Honoring the Earth Mother

Earth Mother, upon you I stand, a child of yours.
You have supported me every day of my life.
You have held me as I slept each night.

As I go forth into this rite and seek healing,
I ask that you support me still, as I know you will.
Uphold me and keep me, Earth Mother.


With fire and water I purify myself,
cleansing my body and mind before this contest.
With cool water I wash my body;
With sweet smoke I cleanse my mind.
I go before the Gods and Goddesses today
Aware of my body and soul.

(Re)Creating the Cosmos

The waters support and surround me,
The sky stretches out above me,
The land extends about me,
And at the center, burns a living flame.
May all the Kindred bless me.
May my worship be true, my actions be just, and my love be pure.
Blessings, honour, and worship to the Holy Ones.

Opening the Gate(s)

Garanus Crane, you who walk beside me and shelter me in your wing,
I ask that you be with me today as I embark on this journey.
Guide me, ward me, stand by me as I walk the Elder Ways.
Garanus, accept this sacrifice. [offering of incense]

Now, with your magic joined with mine,
Let the Well open as a gate.
Let the Fire open as a gate.
Let the Tree stand at the center of the worlds.

Let the Gates be open!

Inviting the Three Kindreds

Calling to the Upper Kindreds

High in the Heavens, Heroes and Holy
Beyond the visible reaches of the Sky
Beyond the Veil of the Stars and Sun
Those Kindred that shine with light from Above
Shining Ones, Ancestors, Nature Spirits
Far-Seeing and Brightly clothed in gold light
Come to my Fire, offerings for Thee
A welcome to the Powers of Heaven
Be comfortable in my abode today.

Calling to the Middle Kindreds

Here among us are Gods and Dead and Sidhe
Standing within mists, coming to meet us
Coming nearer as we give offering
Standing next to us in our times of need.
In trees and streams, under foot, in the air
The Spirits of Place surround us always
Their songs reach our ears, their beauty our eyes
I call welcome to Spirits of this Realm
Be comfortable in my abode today.

Calling to the Chthonic Kindreds

Down below our feet, deep within the ground
In the fertile womb of the Earth Mother
Are denizens of Dark, unknown to us:
Gods of the Earth, Ancestors, and Earth-Kin.
Our bones will rest here though our soul will rise
Now we pour libation to these Kindred
Knowing their place in life and the Cosmos
I welcome the spirits of Dark Earth.
Be comfortable in my abode today.

Key Offerings

Now with all the Powers of all the worlds present, I call out to the patron of this rite, Athena!

Lady of wisdom,
Lady of just battle,
bringer of victory.
You stand triumphant, helm thrown back.
Nike, winged, rests lightly in your hand.

Pallas Athena,
You who were born from the mind of Zeus,
Wise judge and bright-eyed,
I call to you now!

Promachos, first fighter,
I ask that you stand with me today,
that you keep me from injury,
that you help me to see the field,
and that you ensure my safety and the saftey of those around me.

Athena, Accept my sacrifice!

Prayer of Sacrifice


Fire of Sacrifice,
You burn the offering
Making it fit for Gods
And all the Holy Ones.


Having given sacrifice and called out to the Kindreds, I now call and ask what blessings they bring.

I ask, what are the tools and blessings the Kindreds offer me?

[Pull and interpret three symbols]

Calling for the Blessings

Endless are the Waters
  Joyfully flowing
  Thoroughly cleansing
  Never sleeping
Endlessly flowing in channels
  Furrowed by Zeus
  The Great Bull
  The Thunderer
Shining Ones, give me the Waters!

These are the Waters from the Heavens
  Waters from the Earth
  Waters gushing free.
Alone, Shining Waters
  Roaring in blessings
  Beautifully flowing to the ocean
Shining Ones, give me the Waters!

Presiding over the flowing Waters
  Are the Shining Ones
  Who know truth from falsehood.
Shining Ones, givers of Blessing
  Knowers of cosmic order
  Ceaselessly purifying
Shining Ones, give me the Waters!

Hallowing the Blessing

Here the flowing waters have arrived,
Here the flowing waters have come.
They have been won for me by the Kindreds
And they are now mine to drink deeply.

I call out these blessings and sing them into this water
That the tools of the Kindreds may be tools for my hands.

[sing the name of the runes into the waters]

With these waters now blessed, I drink deeply of the gifts of the Kindreds!

[Drink, but keep some waters back for the working]

Affirmation of the Blessing

Having now received these blessings, I seek to make first use of them.


I take now these waters and bring them forth to where the tools of my sport rest.

First, I asperse my shoes with these waters
that I might find sure footing.

Next, I asperse my pads with these waters,
that I might remain uninjured.

Next, I asperse my helmet with these waters,
that I might think clearly.

Next, I asperse my playbook with these waters,
that I might know its contents and choose wisely.

Finally, I asperse my lucky socks,
That they may continue to bring victory.

With all these things now drenched in the blessings of the Kindreds, I call out:

Kindreds, hear my words!
Let me be protected today upon the field!
Let me be aware of my friends and opponents!
Let all who walk upon the field today walk off healthy!

Athena, I call especially to you:
Let this game today be well played and safe,
For it is for you I play.

Now, I gather these things up, blessed as they are, and prepare to depart for the field.

Thanking the Beings

Athena, for your protection and knowledge, I thank you.
Kindreds of the heavens, for your aid this day, I thank you.
Kindreds of this realm, for your aid this day, I thank you.
Kindreds of the underworld, for your aid this day, I thank you.
To all the powers who have here aided me, I thank you.
Garanus, for your guiding and warding, I thank you.

Closing the Gate(s)

Garanus, I ask now one final boon:
Let the tree at the center be only a tree,
Let the fire be only flame,
Let the well be only a vessel of water.
Let the Gates be closed!

Thanking the Earth Mother

Earth Mother, for upholding me in this rite as you do each day, I thank you.
To you I shall return all I leave unused.

Closing the Rite

With the blessings of the Kindreds, I go forth into this world. This rite is ended!


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