Ethics 2
Ethics 2 will provide students with opportunities for the practical application of knowledge gained in Ethics 1 through a series of theoretical dilemmas.
Provide an appropriate definition, discuss your understanding, and provide an illustrative example for the term "ethical dilemma." (minimum 100 words, excluding the definition)
Identify, list and briefly explain the steps to the "Problem Solving Process." Process steps may vary in style depending on student preference and source. (minimum 100 words each step; citation of source for process required)
Provide the following information for each of the situations described below.
- Explain how you would utilize the problem solving process to resolve the situation. Discuss an effective resolution and why you believe the resolution would be effective (100 words minimum)
- Discuss how your personal Code of Ethics was utilized in the resolution of the issue presented. (100 words minimum)
- Discuss whether you would consider the situation to be an "ethical dilemma?" Why or why not? (100 words minimum)
- Situation 1
It is a long-standing tradition within your Grove to pass the Waters of Life using a single vessel for high day celebrations. Your group has always been small and the group at large prefers alcoholic Waters of Life, which is the plan for this high day event. Prior to the beginning the ritual pre-briefing you become aware that several new individuals are in attendance. One of these individuals discusses with a member of your Grove that they learned of your event from a poster in a local Unitarian Universalist Congregation where they attend weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. What do you do?
- Situation 2
While meeting with a couple to plan a hand-fasting ritual you have been asked to facilitate, you notice one of the partners continually makes all of the decisions concerning the ceremony and refuses to let his/her partner participate in the discussion. When you encourage the silent partner to participate the other individual becomes obviously agitated. You notice several bruises on the silent partner's legs and arms and he/she appears afraid to express any thoughts and ideas. Following the discussion, you receive a phone call from the silent partner apologizing for the conduct of his/her partner. The wedding is a month away and the couple has written an oath for the ceremony that professes a desire for a healthy relationship and equal partnership. What do you do?
- Situation 3
You are facilitating a children's activity concerning the 9 virtues and the Kindred for your Grove. A ten-year old child approaches you during the activity and says, "Can I tell you a secret?" You let the child talk and he tells you that his stepmother, who is an active member of your Grove, doesn't follow the virtues or care about the Kindred. You ask him why he believes this and he tells you, "Because if she did she wouldn't hurt me!" Once more you ask the child what he means and he shows you a horseshoe-shaped belt mark on his back and says, "Don't tell anyone." The father and stepmother are in the next room at an adult workshop. What do you do?
- Situation 4
A young woman from your local Neo-Pagan community contacts you and expresses a desire to attend your Grove's upcoming high day; however, she explains that she is in a wheel chair and has an uncontrolled seizure disorder. Another local Neo-Pagan group had explained to this individual that they were unable to accommodate her needs at this time. The young woman plans to bring her personal care attendant with her, but the attendant is opposed to Neo-Pagan beliefs and does not want to actually participate in the service and plans to wait outside the ritual area. Your regular outside ritual space is not readily handicap accessible and the ritual is planned for this outdoor space. What do you do?

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