A synopsis of all Rites attended:
The synopsis portion of the ADF Dedicant Program does not require that
I go back as far as I have, but I wanted to start as close to the beginning as I
Samhain 1997
This was my first real experience with a group of people in a ritual. I had been
a member of the Pagan Student Association at The Ohio State University for about
1 month by then, and we were a small group. We went out to the Chadwick
Arboretum and had a small party at the labyrinth out there.
Singing, dancing, and lots of good fellowship made it a night I still remember.
Unfortunately, the Chadwick Arboretum is no longer such a good place to go for a
ritual, since the new basketball arena is right next door.
Imbolc 1998
The PSA had a small ritual in the room we were provided by the University. Since
we weren't allowed to have candles, we stacked chairs in front of the door and
threw coats over them. Then we lit up the candles and had a fun rite where we
welcomed in spring. Each person brought in something that reminded them of
spring, and we read poems, etc.
Belatine 1998
PSA held this ritual. Well, this wasn't exactly a ritual, but there were some
ritual aspects to this. I danced a maypole my first time at this gathering, and
we messed it up pretty badly. We also had a mock ritual in which I cast a
circle. That was the last circle I ever cast, because I just didn't feel like it
was necessary. We also had some singing and playing a game called "I
Never", which is actually a drinking game. We all learned some interesting
things that night.
Samhain 1998
PSA held a party with some ritual aspects for this High Day. We met by the banks
of the Olentangy and just kinda partied through the night. I wasn't terribly
comfortable with the feelings I got from this ritual, but I had some fun. This
is where I really started telling stories, too.
Belatine 1999
PSA again. Another maypole dance, with some singing. Not quite as raucous as the
previous year's Beltaine, but then we didn't know each other so well, either.
Lughnassad 1999
This was my first ritual with ADF, and was held by 6th Night Grove, and some members of Triskele River Grove also attended. The location was Glen Helen. The ritual was outdoors on a warm day, with Amergin presiding over the ritual. My friend Mitty had gone with me, but since he's Christian, he stayed out of the circle.
I went into the circle barefoot, which might have been a mistake. There were wasps everywhere that day, and they had a tendency to hang out near the feet.
This is where I first experienced the 2 Powers meditation, and it was awesome. I'd never really felt the power and presence of my Gods in ritual before that, but they were there for that ritual.
Samhain 1999
The Ohio State Pagan Student
Association did a ritual with PCCO
called "Take Back the Rite" for Samhain this year. This was PSA's
first (and only so far) public ritual.
Lughnassad 2000

I went with several friends to this ritual, and we had a blast. This was our
first experience with the Lugh Games that Triskele was so into back then.
Really, I was impressed with the co-operation between the Groves, and the
genuine love that seemed to be there. I did find out later that things happened,
and it wasn't as rosy a picture as I think it might have been, but I still liked
There was a lot of practice going on for the games, and you can see me practicing for
the caber toss in the picture at right.
Summerland 2000

This turned out to be the largest number of people I had ever seen at one ritual. 6th Night was hosting the festival, and thus the ritual was led by Amergin. The Rite was held at
Camp Clifton.
At this rite, I saw Inish give her Dedicant's Oath, and she also gave an awesome rendition of the Sayings of the High One.
My main feelings about this rite were a sense of community and belonging. It was kinda like coming home.
As you can see, we got to have warrior game championchips, and at right is a picture of me throwing the caber in the games.
Samhain 2000
Again with 6th Night, we actually did two rites.
The first rite was very informal. We went to Ft. Ancient and made offerings of tobacco and apples to the native spirits.
The second rite was a full ADF Rite for Samhain. The Rite was at Amergin's house, in his backyard Nemeton. I remember the Morrigan was invoked, and the Runes showed good omens (though Hagalaz was among them). I also met Sydney there, another person from Columbus (6th Night is based in Dayton).
Overall feelings: belonging.
The Pagan Student Association also did a private ritual for this High Day. We
were running a modified Henge of Keltria ritual, and I had to fight for some hierarchy
in the rite (some in PSA wanted to do it without any one person in
"control"). I ended up doing the lead part, and Sydney did the other
Imbolc 2001
This rite included both 6th Night and Triskele Rivers. The patrons of the rite were Dagda and Brig, and I believe that Antonyus of Triskele presided. To be honest, I don't remember much of this one.
Beltaine 2001
A) Welcome Ritual -
Triskele and 6th Night welcomed us in. Antonyus presided over this ritual
B) Main Rite
There were three main groups represented here: Triskele River Grove, ADF; 6th Night Grove, ADF; and the Pagan Student Association at Ohio State. Since this ritual, the OSU PSA (through me) has been invited to and has attended a ritual with ADF each Beltaine.
There was a sense of togetherness that I haven't felt in the Ohio River Region (soon to be the Heartland Region now) until very recently. Antonyus of Triskele presided over the main rite, and some things stick out in my mind:
There was a lot of power. It just kept building.
There were two dogs present, both of whom decided that drinking from the sacred well was a good idea right in the middle of the rite. It was pretty funny.
There was an actual handfasting going on in the main ritual, and the couple playing the God and Goddess (Lugh and whatshername) were handfasted with the God and Goddess's merger. This was also the first time I ever saw real nudity at a ritual.
There were two fires set up outside the circle that we walked between to get to the maypole. It was the most successful maypole I had ever attended.
C) Mens' Ritual
One of my friends had been to a Mens' ritual before, and it had left a bad taste in his mouth. He refused to come, but I think even he would have enjoyed this one. Antonyus led.
D) Closing ritual
I remember that Antonyus also lead this one.
I left the weekend with a great sense of community and beauty. It was amazing.
Summerland 2001
This was held at Camp Clifton,
a 4-H camp in Madison County, OH.
Again this was hosted by 6th Night. This was one of my more amazing experiences with Summerland. There were three rituals at work here:
A) Opening ritual
Amergin presided at this ritual. The thing I will always remember is that I saw the Earth come alive and MOVE while we were doing the Two Powers meditation. I feel like I wasn't supposed to see it, but I did. It was awesome to watch the ground physically move. I felt such power with that ritual, I can't describe it.
B) Unity Rite
I felt so close to my friends at this ritual, and the strength of the ORR became very evident in this ritual. It was a feeling of beauty and closeness.
C) Sydney's Shamanic journey
While actually not a part of the official program for Summerland, Sydney's journey was quite an experience. It consisted of walking, moving, and enjoying everything. It's really hard to describe what I saw and did.
Autumnal Equinox 2001
6th Night ritual, held at AC's. It was right after Sept. 11, and I remember Amergin warning people what his praise offering was going to be: divine justice from the Morrigan. A lot of us sought closure at that ritual, as well as protection, healing, and cleansing. I was barefoot that day (how I prefer to experience rites), but I had no ritual garb. I could still feel the power, though.
Amergin made a large sacrifice to Morrigan, and the result was that I felt cleaner. No one denied his calls for justice.
I felt a cleansing feeling more than anything else.
Samhain 2001

Again celebrated with 6th Night, we returned to Ft. Ancient and gave cider, tobacco, and apples to the spirits. We also rebuilt a ritual circle there.
I felt a connection to the place, and also felt the spirits thanks.
The main rite was at AC's again, and the purpose was mainly death, rebirth, and more healing. The Morrigan and Dagda were the Patrons for the rite, and the runes again showed Hagalaz. There were many questions with that ritual. I found myself seeking answers.
I also did a personal ritual that Samhain. On Isaac Bonewit's site, there was a call to help "close the gates" that had been opened on Sept. 11. So I did this. I invoked Cernunnos and Morrigan. I felt closure with this ritual.
Winter Solstice 2001
Location was Deer Run, and rebirth was the purpose. The patrons were Maponis and Cerridwen, and we sought to bring back the sun. The floors were cold as ice, and the fireplace was dumping smoke into the lodge instead of letting it out the chimney, but it was a good rite. I also mapped out the altar setup.
I received a feeling of belonging from the ritual.
Imbolc 2002
The location was Glen Helen, and Duir gave his dedicant's oath. I didn't know anyone could have so many patrons J Anyway, this got me to thinking about my own, and I resolved to do mine that day. The Patrons of the rite were Dagda and Brigid, and we all received Brigit's Crosses and individual candles with a burning flame to take home (mine didn't make it)
Power and hope were the feelings from this ritual.
Spring Equinox 2002
Also held at Glen Helen, the patron deities were Caer and Angus Mac Og. The theme was reawakenings, and mostly I just remember the feelings of hope that came with the ritual.
Beltaine 2002

This ritual was at AC's, and I actually participated as the young God Maponis. Another PSA member was the May Queen, Aine. I didn't get to participate in the maypole dance, but I did get to make fun of the old people trying to dance the pole. It was, in all, a very fun time.
Summer Solstice 2002
I played the Seer at this rite, and it was held at the UU Church in Yellow Springs. There were nettles everywhere, and there was the burning of a wicker man as a sacrifice. That was an awesome thing to watch. The potluck afterwards was a lot of fun, and I took a feeling of fullness from the ritual.
Lughnassad 2002
I'm not sure that 6th Night put enough effort into this, since my Lughnassad rituals are always the least remembered. I can't even remember where it was. Of course, as part of 6th Night, it's partially my fault for this, too. But 6th Night was also preparing for Summerland at this point, and Lughnassad always fell a bit to the side.
Summerland 2002

This was held at Camp Clifton,
a 4-H camp in Madison County, OH.
There were four rites that I attended here.
A) A set of welcoming prayers
I was uncomfortable with this set of prayers, due to their reliance on the Directions and other Wiccan elements. There was also an admission of disunity, which I thought was a bad idea at a "Unity" weekend.
This left me very uncomfortable.
B) A handfasting
Seeing Selene and Orion get handfasted was one of my favourite memories. Of course, half of a tree fell into the circle just prior to the ceremony, which made for an amusing omen, I thought.
The calling of quarters was done here, and they were offset by one direction (as anyone who had attended the opening prayers knew), but I think that's what you get when you ask a Druid to call quarters.
And the mead was excellent. The feelings of joy and happiness were extremely prominent after this ritual.
C) Unity Rite
This was my Dedicant's Oath, and you can find a rundown elsewhere in my Dedicant's material. The feeling I got from the rite was one of unity, though.
Autumn Equinox 2002
Done in Highbanks MetroPark in Columbus, this was the inception rite for Three Cranes Protogrove,
ADF, of which I am the Grove Organizer. Two of us showed up, but we had fun. We invoked Teutates and Brigantia. It was simple, quick, and painless. We made a good run, and had no difficulties.
I really got a feeling of fellowship from this.
Samhain 2002
Held at the same place as the Autumn Equinox rite, we ran into all sorts of problems. First, it was two dark, and we only had one flashlight and a low fire. We had some trouble finding the proper sacrifices, and not enough ribbons for the work. We made proper sacrifices, I think.
I definitely got the feeling of discord, but it was constructive. We were taught what not to do in the future.
Yule 2002
This rite was at the UUCE. We were hoping to do the ritual inside, but we were locked out, and it was painful cold. Our ritual also was written to be done inside, so I hadn't brought my best sacrifices. We got a fire started out back, and the circle was far too tight around the fire (with good reason!). One person was just there to observe, so did not participate in the rite.
We received a failure from the omens twice, but were finally accepted. We also had problems with the candles we were using because of the bitter wind.
The Omens read as follows:
>Have our sacrifices been accepted?
>Hagalaz - Hail
Simply, because we are looking to bring back the sun, and stormclouds obscure the sun, I read this as "no". I also got the feeling that "no" was
the answer.
>Isa - Ice
Along the same lines above, I read this as getting a "cold shoulder".
>Laguz - water, overflowing
A definite "yes". It appears that they got what they wanted, and then some.
>What do the Gods give us in return?
>Naudaz - Need
We are told we will receive what we need. I think it's a very good omen.
>What needs have they of us?
>jera - fruitful year
They want us around in a year, and they want us to grow stronger. I think they intend to help us with that.
Despite all this, I had very good feelings from the rite. I thought we did it very well.
Imbolc 2003
This rite was in Jenni's apartment. This is currently considered the best rite
we've done as a Grove so far. I got a very good feeling from it, and afterwards
I had several people tell me that I was a "good priest". I told them
that I wasn't a priest, and that I was actually pretty far from getting any sort
of credentials. I think they were more impressed with this admission than they
were with my abilities, but I'm not sure.
There were two kids at the ritual, and in a moment of inspiration, I asked them
to draw each Rune. The Omens turned out to be very favourable at that rite, and
I firmly believe that the kids made the difference.
Spring Equinox 2003
This rite was smaller, but the energy was pretty good. We had a nice lady
from OU come up and photograph us during the ritual, so I might get lucky
and have a few pictures to post soon.
We had about 10 people there, and we rented out Highbanks Metropark.
I wasn't necessarily happy with the way the ritual went. It didn't feel
quite right, and I didn't feel that it raised as much power as we usually
do. I hope to fix that in the future.
Beltaine 2003
This rite occurred at the UUCE in Reynoldsburg.
Lu had helped us get the property rented, and was giving us a great break on the
price. The problem started when one of the members of the UUCE had a fit about
renting to Pagans and (in particular) us. This eventually got smoothed out, and
we're dealing with it in our own way.
Anyway, the rite went pretty well, and we had a lot of fun doing the ritual. We
had an actual altar for the first time, and we used charcoal instead of a wood
fire. I smashed a ceramic statue as an offering to Belinus (it flew apart, and
I'm very happy it didn't hurt anyone), and Sirona received some flowers and
fruit. We danced the Maypole, as well. We used an extender for a paint roller as
the maypole, and it worked out well because we could fold it down. And now
we're set for next year, too.
6th Night was supposed to come to the
ritual, but things happened and they weren't able to make it. I was kinda
depressed about that, but I know they would have been here if they could have
made it.
At right, you can see the omens for this ritual.
Uruz was first, indicating that our sacrifices had been received, and
that the Gods were growing stronger from them.
Tiwaz showed us that the Gods would ask that we are just and right in our
Ehwaz indicated that the Gods would give us swift journey and strong
support. They are with us as we travel through life. I found this Rune very
important in the reading, because it indicates that some of the people attending
the rite who had come from far away would make it back safely.
Summer Solstice 2003
This rite also occurred at the UUCE in Reynoldsburg,
after we worked out some of our previous problems.
Anyway, the rite went pretty well, and we had a lot of fun doing the ritual. We
used the altar again, and ran an alcohol fire, which worked very well.
At right, you can see the omens for this ritual.
Ehwaz was first, indicating dialogue, and the dialogue here is the dialogue between
the worshippers and the Shining Ones. I took this as a definite omen that the sacrifices
had been accepted.
Ra๐io indicates further travel. It seems that the deities are giving us extensive,
but safe, travel, which may correspond to our relations with the UUCE, which have been
only lukewarm.
Kenaz is the torch, and also the ulcer. It seemed to me that the deities wanted
us to be a shining example, but also the fire that is lit under people to get them to
do stuff.
I also spoke with someone who wanted to come to our ritual, but didn't make it because
she got lost. Apparently, she was doing a lot of traveling, as well, so the deities may
have been talking about that, too.
Lughnassadh 2003 -
This rite had 8 attendees, 4 male and 4 female. I led the ritual, Joe was
Bard, and Lu was the Seer. We honoured Lugus, Lord of Light and the Long arm.
I liked the rite, and I didn't have to read the omen this time, which was
The omen read as follows:
The Lammas reading shuffled by Luinrandir, cards cut by Mike.
Are the offering accepted: (current time)
Cards laid - Queen Swords - 4 Wands - 10 Swords.
Moving toward the balance -The Queen of Swords is the Scorpio woman, strong willed,
ever planning to increase her strength.
Center Path (balance) - The 4 Wands is the ceremony at hand, rejoice now during the
Moving away from the balance-10 Swords is betrayal and deceit, Where the Death Trump
card is a spiritual death and rebirth, the 10Sw is a loss on the material realm.
Meaning: The offering is accepted, barely. Greater sacrifices will be forthcoming.
What is offered us in return: (The future)
Cards laid - The Fool - 7 Pentacles - The Magician
Moving toward the balance - The Fool is the folly of youth, both wise and unknowing.
Awed by the possibilities the present dangers are ignored.
Center Path (balance) - 7 Pentacles - A gardener await his garden to bear fruit
Moving away from the balance-The Magician learns of his powers, his tools and becomes
This is a very positive response as we move from unawareness to patience to growth...
but the harvest is not yet knowable.
What further needs do the Gods have of us? (The outcome / To be aware of)
Cards laid - Page of Pentacles - The 5 of Pentacles - The 5 of Cups
Moving toward the balance - Vanity
Center Path (balance) - Desperation
Moving away from the balance - Loss observed without noting that not all was lost.
This is as negative as the previous set was positive. It is an obvious warning that a
bleakness and loss is to come, born of self pride, vanity and selfishness.
(first meditation) The time coming is treacherous and perilous. A flaw now will turn to
weakness later which in turn becomes loss. Hesitation now will turn to uncertainty later
which will turn to being overwhelmed. Yielding to the fears of others will not bring them
healing, only the validation of fear.
(second meditation) The time upcoming will be a time which will write the future of the
group. . . One persons skill over another's unawareness leading to smugness. Celebration moves
toward quiet patience and then to despair. The harsh lessons of life teach, but with a
sacrifice, a loss.
I like this omen. It requires us to give more to the Shining ones, and asks that
we remain strong in the future, and we seek the harvest that hard work can
Autumn Equinox 2003 -
This Rite was at the UUCE,
and it had our largest turnout yet. I expect it was something on the order of 27
people, several from a small coven.
The omen read as follows: Tiwaz, Ra๐io, and Ehwaz (under our usual questions).
This has a lot to do with movement, but further explanation of the omen needs to
wait, because I need to verify it first.
Samhian 2003 -
This rite was held at the UUCE, and we expect that it will be the final rite we hold there. I
did this ritual with as little help from the script as possible, and I think I
did alright. I was absolutely terrified that I would mess up a few invocations,
and I went back to the script towards the end because I was having problems, but
in the end it all worked out.
Have our offerings been accepted?
O๐ila - enclosure, property. Where property is involved, I always get a good feeling. I see this as the reception of things; gifts. This Rune shows prosperity very nicely.
What do the Gods offer us in return?
Nau๐iz - need, poverty. Not usually a good Rune, and I hesitate to read it well, but I get the impression from this particular Rune that we have some turbulent times coming up, and that there will be tests. I don't see this as taking away from us or hurting us, just as maybe being a bumpy road.
What further needs do the Gods have of us?
Tyr - Justice, the right way. I see this as tying directly into the previous Rune, and the Gods having need of us to make good decisions and to consider what we do.
In other words, the offerings were accepted, with caveat: we need to be very careful of the decisions that we make, because we, as humans, can make bad ones. I think that the Gods have confidence in us, though, and they know we'll make the right choices.
Saturnalia 2003 -
This rite was held at Jenni's
house, and she took the omens for the rite.
Have our offerings been accepted?
O๐ila - enclosure, property. Where property is involved, I always get a good feeling. I see this as the reception of things; gifts. This Rune shows prosperity very nicely.
What do the Gods offer us in return?
Nau๐iz - need, poverty. Not usually a good Rune, and I hesitate to read it well, but I get the impression from this particular Rune that we have some turbulent times coming up, and that there will be tests. I don't see this as taking away from us or hurting us, just as maybe being a bumpy road.
What further needs do the Gods have of us?
Tyr - Justice, the right way. I see this as tying directly into the previous Rune, and the Gods having need of us to make good decisions and to consider what we do.
In other words, the offerings were accepted, with caveat: we need to be very careful of the decisions that we make, because we, as humans, can make bad ones. I think that the Gods have confidence in us, though, and they know we'll make the right choices.
Imbolc 2004 -
This rite was held at
Have our offerings been accepted?
O๐ila - enclosure, property. Where property is involved, I always get a good feeling. I see this as the reception of things; gifts. This Rune shows prosperity very nicely.
What do the Gods offer us in return?
Nau๐iz - need, poverty. Not usually a good Rune, and I hesitate to read it well, but I get the impression from this particular Rune that we have some turbulent times coming up, and that there will be tests. I don't see this as taking away from us or hurting us, just as maybe being a bumpy road.
What further needs do the Gods have of us?
Tyr - Justice, the right way. I see this as tying directly into the previous Rune, and the Gods having need of us to make good decisions and to consider what we do.
In other words, the offerings were accepted, with caveat: we need to be very careful of the decisions that we make, because we, as humans, can make bad ones. I think that the Gods have confidence in us, though, and they know we'll make the right choices.
Content © 2003, Michael J Dangler
Updated on 11/03/2003. Site Credits / Email Me!
Basic site design from ADF.org
(Yes, I stole it!)