October 30, 2004 - churches, churches! A young Discordian asked his Lady Eris, "Why is it that my Christian and Jewish and Satanist friends get to attend church, and yet we do not? Is it because we are in church all the time?" Eris smiled and said, "No, my child. It is because we know better than to get up that early." -http://www.verthaine.sphosting.com/ii.html Sometimes, we have to look at our ideas of "church". ADF is a tax-exempt church. So where are our churches? Samhain is coming up. It's one of our biggest days, a High Holy Day, in the parlance of 6th Night Grove, where I like to say I "grew up". Where will I worship? The site is outside. It's in nature. I've never seen it before, but I imagine it's within sight of a road, within sight of other people. That worries me for some reason. I wonder if I'm ashamed of my worship. But then, I realize that's ridiculous. Really, I sometimes feel that worship should be private. We shouldn't be out and in people's faces. But ADF isn't about that. It's about being available to others. And that is something I agree with whole-heartedly. So come on: let's worship the Gods, and let's be public about it. It's one thing to be pious in private, but public piety takes courage and finesse. That's what I want in my religion. Hail Samhain, the Winter Lord is come! Navigation: Content © 2003-2004, Michael J Dangler |