History of Neo-Pagan Druidism, Requirement 4f
Of the following names, identify and explain the importance each has had in Neopagan history and/or the magical revival (minimum 100 words for each):
Isaac Bonewits
Isaac Bonewits:
Often referred to as "America's leading occultist," "America's first academically accredited magician," or some other silly accreditation, Bonewits is almost certainly one of the most important figures in American Druidism (the accreditations may be silly, but they aren't necessarily untrue). Bonewits helped to shape the RDNA into something more than a joke, helping turn (at least a few) RDNA groves into practicing Neo-Pagan groups. In 1983, Bonewits moved on and created his own organization,
Ar nDriaocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship (which you must be interested in or a part of if you're reading this, or else really into torture).
The primary contribution that came out of this mid-80's organization that has flourished since is a focus on scholarship, still sorely lacking in many Neo-Pagan and New Age groups. Bonewits' original insistence on training and excellence have made ADF a home for just about anyone looking to improve themselves in their religion, even if that religion is not Druidism.
Content © 2003 - 2006, Michael J Dangler
Updated on 03/03/2006. Site Credits / Email
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