General Bardic Studies 1
General Bardic Studies 1 is an overview of the cultural and ritual roles of Bards and bardic arts in historical times, the modern Neopagan community, and Ar nDraiocht Fein in particular. Students will research a variety of bardic expressions in the context of two or more ancient Indo-European cultures, describe a variety of bardic forms or styles and a bardic figure, and gain practical experience using bardic arts in a ritual context.
Exit Standards:
1. Indo-European Culture: Discuss in general terms the bardic arts prevalent within a single (preferably ancient) Indo-European culture; explain how those bardic arts fit into that culture and religion.
(300-600 words)
2. Genres: Describe four "genres" of bardic arts, at least one of which must be poetry. For each genre, compare and contrast its appearance and/or use in two single (preferably ancient) Indo-European cultures. The two cultures need not be the same for all four genres.
(300 words each)
3. Forms/styles: Describe four forms or styles of bardic arts in either ancient or modern times or a combination of each. Include examples of each form. At least one such description should be for a poetic form; the remainder can be for any bardic form or style.
(100 words each [examples not to be included in word count])
4. Bardic Figure: Describe the life, fame and general techniques of a historical or mythical bardic figure in a (preferably ancient) Indo-European culture.
(300 words each)
5. Role of the Modern Bard: Describe the role of the modern-day, Neopagan bard in the context of ritual
(100 words), Ar nDraiocht Fein (100 words) and the greater Neopagan community
(100 words).
6. Practical Bardry: Compose or find a bardic piece (of any appropriate genre or form) suitable for ADF ritual. Describe the process you used for discovery and/or composition of the piece and how it was (or could be) used effectively in a ritual context.
(100 words [text of piece not to be included in word count])

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